

Rodolfo R. 弗洛勒斯

Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老.

1931年8月26日- 2022年1月29日

Stories and memories of a life to remember - Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老.

Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老. 的Uvalde, 德克萨斯州于1月29日去世, 2022, 在圣安东尼奥的卫理公会医院, 在90岁的时候离开了德克萨斯州.

我们想听听你的意见, 无论你是现在还是过去的学生, 教员或职员, 我的一个朋友, 或者家庭成员, 你是SWTJC大家庭的一员, 而你的故事将有助于庆祝. 弗洛雷斯的遗产——来自远近.

和我们一起分享你对Mr. 弗洛勒斯 and his everlasting support of the community, education, and service. 如果你想为鲁道夫基金会捐款. 弗洛雷斯,老. 奖学金 Fund, please find the 贡献 button below.

A funeral mass will be held on 星期五, 2月11日, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. 圣心天主教堂.  葬礼将在希尔克雷斯特公墓举行.  


Services arranged by Rushing-Estes-Knowles Mortuary, Inc.


Rodolfo R. 弗洛勒斯, 90, was taken to his Father's celestial kingdom on January 29, 2022, 和他深爱的妻子在一起, 多洛雷斯和他的父母尼克和库卡·弗洛雷斯. An attorney by profession and "tacinque" (sheep shearer) by trade in the "trasquila" industry for many years, Mr. 弗洛雷斯学会了最高的职业道德. He never gave way to his exhaustion or other distractions; work was an obligation.

年轻时,在圣. 玛丽的大学, he traveled back to Uvalde every weekend to earn his $45/month rent and board while in school. His efforts to make a decent living extended to playing the saxophone in a band named La Orquesta Social (The Socialables) in Uvalde too. Upon graduation with a law degree in 1953, he proposed to and married his beloved Dolores.

他们唯一的儿子,小鲁迪. 记得他们是一对“浪漫”的情侣, particularly his father who would always leave "love" notes all over the house to remind his wife of his undying devotion. 鲁迪 & “洛拉”, 她被称为, 他们经常一起周游欧洲, 加拿大, 墨西哥, 南美洲和阿罗哈州, 让他们的关系一年比一年亲密. 鲁迪 cared for his wife during her last years with Alzheimers disease, even taking her to work with him to keep an eye on her. 小鲁迪. described his father as a "perfect" dad, saying he lost "his best friend."

Mr. 弗洛雷斯一生都身体健康, preferring to eat homemade meals such as his favorite "sopita de fideo" (vermicelli w/meat) with homemade flour tortillas or hamburgers. But you could also find him and Lola having dinner at Kettle Restaurant at times, 总是在辛苦工作一天后分享时间.

One of his favorite sayings was "hacero con hacero no se hace nada", meaning cast iron against cast iron can't hurt anything. He often said this when he would fall, joking about his hard head & 地板接触无任何损坏. 小比尔·凯斯勒. 我知道奥巴马先生光明的一面. 作为我的朋友和私人律师. 他回忆道. 弗洛雷斯在老萨特尔的二楼工作 & 凯斯勒律师事务所和已故的老比尔·凯斯勒. 一天,一位新客户来找律师, Rodolfo 弗洛勒斯 who happened to be scrubbing the floor in his office, 以为他是看门人. 还有一次,奥巴马说. 凯斯勒正要离开布朗先生. 弗洛雷斯的办公室. 弗洛雷斯从梯子上摔了下来. 他没有受伤 & both started talking away for a good 30 minutes as if nothing had happened while Mr. 弗洛雷斯还在地板上. The conversation was that interesting like every other they shared, including the outdoors. 小比利,. 我很感激. 弗洛勒斯 for attending his 50th Anniversary party in his office a few weeks ago where they continued their unending visits. “我会非常想念他的。. 凯斯勒在听到他的死讯时说, "but I feel the more enriched having known a man of such integrity, 幽默和对工作的尊重. 很少有这种类型的债券."

Pura Ortiz先生. 弗洛勒斯' secretary for over 34 years remembers him as a highly respected man. 她从他的工作中看到了他的善良, often doing pro bono work and offering creative avenues to resolve people's problems. 他从不拒绝任何来看他的人, 也许, 对于说, “因为他年纪轻轻就受苦了, 小小年纪就失去了父亲. Pura recalls no one ever leaving his office dissatisfied or hanging their heads in despair. Mr. 弗洛雷斯提出了解决方案, told jokes or a funny story to make his clients understand it was not the end of the world. 据Pura说, he worried about people who couldn't make ends meet or struggled with daily issues that had solutions. 例如,先生. 弗洛勒斯 loved SWTJC because it gave those students who couldn't afford to travel or pay college expenses to stay in his hometown 的Uvalde. His mission was to help others, nothing closer than living his faith by practicing it. She would jokingly call him "the eternal man" as the Marvel characters portray heroes since he claimed he would never die. 有一件事是肯定的, 对于说, "he will never be forgotten by 'the least of his brothers' or his professional colleagues.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Rushing Estes Knowles Mortuary with a Catholic funeral mass starting at 10 a.m., 星期五, 2月11日, 2022, 圣心天主教堂 followed by internment at the Hillcrest Cemetery. 晚上7点有念珠仪式.m., Thursday, February 10, 2022 with public viewing starting at 4 p.m. Mr. 弗洛雷斯留下了他的儿子小鲁迪., wife Diana Uriegas 弗洛勒斯 and his only two grandchildren Monica and 鲁迪 Ill called lovingly "mis hijos"(my children) by the late 弗洛勒斯.

分享记忆——鲁道夫·R. 弗洛雷斯,老.



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请注意Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老. 在“捐款说明”栏内的奖学基金.

Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老. 奖学金

鲁道夫R. 弗洛雷斯,老. 奖学金 provides scholarships to the students of 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专.  Mr. 弗洛勒斯 was a successful lawyer and businessman and was a strong supporter of 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专. Mr. 弗洛勒斯 was serving as President of the 校董会 at the time of his passing, a position he was first elected to in 1992 having served on the board of trustees since 1975.  Mr. 弗洛勒斯 graduated from 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专 and was a Charter Member 的Uvalde’s Eta Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges and universities.  The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by the scholarship committee and will receive $650 per semester toward the cost of attendance.


To donate by mail, please download and complete the Mail-in Donation Form. Your form and check payable to 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专, Memo: Rodolfo R. 弗洛雷斯,老. 奖学金申请可邮寄至以下地址:

安妮·H. 塔斯基,财务副总裁
Uvalde, TX 78801-6221
